digital commodities for the online world

7 Tiers of Construction Site Scaffolding

Created for a promotional video of the Random Skies dystopian novel series, this is part of the construction site models from the opening scenes. Contains all the maps used in the original shots, including albedo, normal, roughness etc. Full details and download available from Gumroad.

Custom Model Vintage 1960s Drum kit

Created for Sub Atom X production company, this vintage style kit is ready skinned and highly detailed.Originally created in an old Eovia program called Carrara,this was ported over and will be available on Gumroad when the music section is up and running.

Visualising for Random Skies

The dystopian novel and television series, RANDOM SKIES, is getting the Commodigi treatment with concept art, custom models and movie environments. All the models used will be available for purchase from Gumroad.

For Commodigi fans everywhere!

We've gone down the joint path of Blender and Gumroad to make Commodigi as cross-platform as possible. If you haven't got a copy of Blender, it's free and pretty fully featured nowadays. The export functions are robust so the native files can find a suitable format in OBJ or FBX. New stuff that we're doing for video is all in Blender, and anything that comes from outside it has been imported for the zip archives. Be aware, we're only planning to use Zip, as we assume our customers are going to be using desktop machines for production. Zip and mobile are not always compatible, but if you are planning on making a blockbuster movie on your phone, we'd really like to see it!
We've got a ruckload of stuff in older programs that are coming across just fine, and giving us the chance to update the node trees and even add new maps to extend the detail and functionality of the originals.
Given that we're looking toward a fairly heavy commitment to Gumroad, the uploads are a bit piecemeal at the moment as Gumroad doesn't have sections, so we'll be doing the cataloguing at this end and pointing the unique SKUs at Gumroad product pages as we upload.

Custom Model Bass Cabinet

Created for Sub Atom X production company, this vintage style 'Fox' bass cabinet is ready skinned and highly detailed.

Originally created in Carrara it has been imported as an OBJ file into Blender and then adapted. Based on the old Vox reflex cabinets of the 1960s, this range of recreations are available on the Beat Basement show. Videos and studio set ups are available on Bitchute and cover the years from 1964 to 1968, when a small television company in Cheshire began a rival pop show to the London based Ready Steady Go. They even went as far as employing Keith Forreskin, a down at heel, largely unemployed actor of no fixed ability, to host the show. Originally created in Carrara it has been imported as an OBJ file into Blender and then adapted.